Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Broadway Assignment

I looked into the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory broadway show, as I didn’t know that there was one. Personally, I’ve never been very fond of musicals or broadway shows. I’ve never been able to completely immerse myself in the world that they create, where anyone and everyone can break out into song. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory seems no different - which is a shame because I’ve always loved the book/movies.

However, I’ve always been fascinated by what is possible when it comes to the sets in stage shows. Especially with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, where they have to create every room of Willy Wonka’s factory along with the Oompa Loompas and other effects. It is much easier to do this in a movie because you can use computer effects to change what is being filmed. This isn’t a luxury stage shows have, as they have to use practical effects live on stage in front of thousands of people watching from every angle. Scenes like Violet inflating with bubblegum or Mike Teevee being shrunk are expertly brought to life on stage because of the creative ingenuity behind these shows.

Overall, as impressive as the show looks, I still feel more attached to the iconic movies. It is fascinating to see how already-established properties such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Wizard of Oz, and The Lion King are translated to broadway.

Madam Butterfly Thoughts

In my opinion, telling this story through stop-motion animation was a really effective way of communicating the story. Without the use of dialogue or a narrator, we are left to perceive the story through the actions and motions of the figures. The music helps to increase the emotions felt in each scene, especially the climax and the tragic ending, which benefit immensely from the fact that it is stop-motion and not live action.

In terms of the story itself, it was tragic and disturbing. The first half of the story works hard to establish the love between the man and the woman, which is then turned into tragedy when he returns and reveals that he already has a wife and several children that he’s obviously made with other similar experiences while ashore. All together, this proves that the woman’s actions at the end are somewhat justified, and in turn makes the audience feel emotional strain from watching her tear herself apart.